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to control the aircraft

  • 1 stall

    I [sto:l] noun
    1) (a compartment in a cowshed etc: cattle stalls.) pregradek
    2) (a small shop or a counter or table on which goods are displayed for sale: He bought a newspaper at the bookstall on the station; traders' stalls.) stojnica
    II 1. [sto:l] verb
    1) ((of a car etc or its engine) to stop suddenly through lack of power, braking too quickly etc: The car stalled when I was halfway up the hill.) odpovedati
    2) ((of an aircraft) to lose speed while flying and so go out of control: The plane stalled just after take-off and crashed on to the runway.) kolebati, (za)blokirati
    3) (to cause (a car etc, or aircraft) to do this: Use the brake gently or you'll stall the engine.) blokirati
    2. noun
    (a dangerous loss of flying speed in an aircraft, causing it to drop: The plane went into a stall.) kolebanje
    III [sto:l] verb
    (to avoid making a definite decision in order to give oneself more time.) zavlačevati
    * * *
    I [stɔ:l]
    prostor, oddelek v hlevu za eno žival, boks; hlev (za konje, govedo); tržna stojnica, lesena lopa, šotor s prodajalno; ecclesiastic (ograjena) klop, sedež v cerkvi; kanonikat; theatre parket, sedež v prvih vrstah parterja, plural osebe na teh sedežih; prevleka, kapica, naprstnik za ranjen prst; technical zastoj (motorja); aeronautics kolebanje (letala) zaradi zmanjšane brzine; mineralogy delovno mesto v rudniku
    book-stall at the station — stojnica, lopa za prodajo knjig na postaji
    dean's stall ecclesiastic dekanov sedež v cerkvi
    stall money — stojnina, tržnina;
    transitive verb
    držati (imeti) v hlevu, hraniti in pitati v hlevu; razdeliti (hlev) na oddelke (bokse); postaviti v boks; technical ustaviti, blokirati (motor); American zapeljati (avto) v blato ipd.; obsolete uvesti v (neko) službo, instalirati; intransitive verb zagaziti, zabresti, obtičati (o avtu); technical odpovedati (o motorju); aeronautics kolebati, majati se zaradi zmanjšane hitrosti (o letalu); stati v hlevu (o živini); biti v pesjaku (o psu)
    II [stɔ:l]
    American slang
    pretveza, izgovor, zavlačevalni manever; American slang žeparjev pajdaš, ki odvrača pozornost žrtve med tatvino;
    intransitive verb American slang
    upirati se, izogibati se, izgovarjati se; sport namerno biti počasen; transitive verb (često off) American slang zavlačevati, odrivati, ne pustiti k sebi

    English-Slovenian dictionary > stall

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Aircraft noise — is defined as sound produced by any aircraft or its components, during various phases of a flight, on the ground while parked such as auxiliary power units, while taxiing, on run up from propeller and jet exhaust, during take off, underneath and… …   Wikipedia

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  • Aircraft emergency frequency — The aircraft emergency frequency (also known as guard) is a frequency used on the aircraft radio band reserved for emergency communications for aircraft in distress. The frequencies are 121.5 MHz for civilian, also known as International Air… …   Wikipedia

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